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Ring Insurance

Wedding Ring

What Does Engagement Ring Insurance Cover?

Engagement and wedding ring insurance confidently safeguards your ring against virtually any risk with our policy. If your ring needs repair or replacement, you can count on us to handle it seamlessly. We’ll ensure your most cherished ring is expertly restored and returned to your finger where it rightfully belongs.


Losing your jewelry feels like losing part of yourself. Whether it slipped off at the beach or fell into the drain, we're here to help you reclaim it and restore your sense of completeness.


We know that having your jewelry stolen can be overwhelming, but rest assured, we're here to support you. In the event of theft, we will confidently replace your piece with one of the same kind and quality.


Accidents occur, like when your diamond ring strikes the edge of a countertop, resulting in a crack, or if a prong gets bent from snagging something. Don't worry, we've got you covered for those moments.


To ensure your jewelry remains in excellent condition we offer coverage for prong retipping, repair of broken, worn, or bent prongs and earring posts, clasp replacement, and much more.


Go ahead. Book that vacation. You’re covered globally while traveling.



Natural disasters can strike anytime, but our coverage is real-life ready. If your jewelry is lost or damaged in a flood, tornado, hurricane, or earthquake, you're covered.

Avoid These Mistakes:

Don't wait until it's too late

Accidents happen. It’s important for the ring purchaser or wearer to insure the ring before or right after purchase to ensure it’s protected.

Don't confuse warranty with insurance

Warranty covers manufacturing defects, such as structural issues. It doesn’t safeguard against real-world risks like accidental damage, theft, or loss as jewelry insurance does. 

Adding jewelry to your homeowners policy

Homeowner policies usually provide limited coverage, often between $1,000 to $2,500. Additionally, they may not cover common risks such as loss or damage to your jewelry.

Don't leave your jewelry uninsured

If your diamond goes missing, you're saying goodbye to a significant amount of money. Jewelry insurance is inexpensive and a no brainer. 

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